Please share the first name you'd like us to refer to you by.
Please share the last name you'd like us to refer to you by.
Please share the pronouns you use.
Please enter your email address twice.
Please share your phone number if you feel comfortable.
Please share your paylinks. If you don't have any, enter N/A.
Please share your mailing address for care packages and other goodies. It's OK to use a friend's address or a PO box if you don't have a permanent address.
Please select how you identify in terms of disabilities.
Please share your race/ethnicity (for internal demographic purposes).
Please share your gender identity (for internal demographic purposes).
Please let us know what projects you might be interested in working on.
Please let us know which of these broad areas your current needs fall into (for our care web).
This is a free space to share needs that you don't feel were appropriately addressed in the previous question.
Please let us know which of these broad areas your current capacities fall into (for our care web).
This is a free space to share capacities that you don't feel were appropriately addressed in the previous question.
Please let us know whether we should subscribe you to our newsletter.

LASC New Member Application

Fill out this form to apply for membership in the Los Angeles Spoonie Collective. Membership includes participation in our collective care web, so we’ll be asking you some questions about your capacities and needs. If you need assistance filling out the form, please email us at or contact us on Instagram or Facebook

We look forward to being in community with you!

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